20+ Years Experience

About Us
The first BuckEye Cam Long-Range wireless camera systems were deployed in 2003! Since then, we have been engineering and advancing the equipment that we produce. The entire BuckEye Cam product line is engineered and manufactured in Athens Ohio, USA by Athens Technical Specialists, Inc. So when you contact us, you are speaking directly with the people who actually design and build BuckEye Cam technology. We are a SBA certified Hub Zone Small Business and GSA contract holder.
Our systems are radio frequency based, can be used off-grid and are deployed WORLDWIDE by: Law Enforcement, Border Security, Military Bases, Airport Operations, Wildlife and Environmental Researchers, Forestry, Outfitters, Anti-Poaching Initiatives, Farming Operations, Railways, Ranches and on Hunting Leases, to name a few!
Have a special need or project? We can help you tailor a turn-key system that works for your specific needs!
Onsite Setup and Training Available
Cellular Service is NOT REQUIRED
Control up to 254 Devices on ONE System Network
Responsive Customer Support
Complimentary Mobile App, Firmware & Software Updates
Cameras (Single Lens, Dual Lens, Thermal), Ground Sensors, Echos and IR Remote Flashes can all be 'meshed' (used as repeaters) for one another to extend your network indefinitely!
Key System Features
Long Range Wireless Communication
- Transmit images many miles
- Rugged, battery powered
- Cell service is NOT required
Secure, Encrypted RF Transmission
- All RF comms are AES encrypted
- User assigned security key
- AES-128 is NSA certified
Control up to 254 Devices from one Base
- X-Series Network Manager Software app
- Runs on Windows PC, Mac, or in the cloud
- Receive images and control all settings
Al Image Recognition Technology
- Automatically detect people, vehicles or animals
- Automatically generate alarms: audible, relay, or email
- User defined detection and suppression zones
Demo our X-Series Network
Manager Software
Control hundreds of devices from a single network location.
Install the Software
After installation is complete just open the software
You will be asked if you want to run in demo mode - click yes
Now you are in demo mode! Select which base you want to demo
Add cameras and the software will automatically simulate pictures transmitting
Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know about BuckEye Cam
Q: Do your cameras require cell service?
A: No. Our cameras transmit images to a base receiver using our own proprietary wireless protocol. There are no monthly fees, and cell service is not needed.
Q: How do the cameras know when to take a picture?
A: The cameras are motion activated. When motion is detected in front of the camera a picture is automatically taken and transmitted to the base. In addition to the motion detection, the cameras may also be set to take time lapse images on a defined schedule.
Q: What is the range of the motion detector?
A: Typically about 100 feet. May be a little more or little less depending on the temperature and weather.
Q: Do the cameras take pictures at night?
A: Yes. The night images are taken with an infrared flash operating at 940nm. This is mostly invisible to the human eye.
Q: How do I view the pictures?
A: The pictures are received at the base. The base is connected to a computer that runs the X-Series Network Manager software app. Using this software, the images can be viewed.They can also be automatically emailed or uploaded to our Live Cam web server if desired.